πŸ›« Recreating Flighty in SwiftUI

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been playing with recreating the Apple Design Award winner, Flighty, in SwiftUI. Mostly to satisfy my own curiosity, but also just to practice building interfaces (hi, potential employers!). Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's been so damn fun.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been playing with recreating the Apple Design Award winner, Flighty, in SwiftUI. Mostly to satisfy my own curiosity, but also just to practice building interfaces (hi, potential employers!). Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's been so damn fun. To code something just because. Just to see how far I could go; how close I could make it to the real thing.

I should've started doing fun projects like this ages ago.

If you want to follow along, or heck, even contribute, I've open-sourced all of my code so far on GitHub.

This week, I recorded myself improving the Map and uploaded it to YouTube.

I should note, this is just for fun. I love Flighty to pieces. It's probably the most useful app on my phone. I travel enough that Flighty has a permanent place on my Home Screen. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the crew at Flighty. If you travel even a little bit, you should grab a membership and thank me later.

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